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    2022年11月11日 00:34



邮箱: lcs5113@163.com




2003/9-2007/7  内蒙古大学  生科学  学士

2007/9-2010/6  中科院海洋研究所  海洋生物学  硕士

2017/9-2021/6  海南大学  水生生物学  博士


2010/7-2015/12 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所

2016/1至今  海南大学


1. 海蜇轮放轮捕高效养殖技术,中国产学研合作创新成果奖(优秀奖)(2017年,第3完成人)

2. 金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)苗种规模化繁育与增养殖技术国家海洋局海洋创新成果一等奖201111完成人



1. 国家自然科学基金项目,生物钟基因BmalClock对番红砗磲行为和生理节律的调控及机制研究,2023/1-2026/12,在研,主持

2. 海南省重点研发计划项目,三亚典型珊瑚礁区域砗磲资源评估及移植保护技术研究2019/04-2021/4,已结题,主持

3. 海南省自然科学基金面上项目,基于CSE-1成像色度分析系统的番红砗磲外套膜颜色多态性机制研究2017/1 -2019/12已结题,主持

4. 海南省重点研发计划项目,单体牡蛎高密度中培技术开发与应用2016/01-2017/12,已结题,海南大学方主持

5. 国家重点基础研发计划项目,典型养殖系统对自然水域生态系统的影响机理-课题4网箱养殖对底栖生态环境的影响与修复机制,2018/12-2022/12参与



1. Chunsheng Liu, Zhifeng Gu, Xianxin Lin, Yuanyuan Wang, Aimin Wang, Yun Sun, Yaohua Shi. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and storage temperature on bacterial counts, color change, fatty acids and non-volatile taste active compounds of oysters (Crassostrea ariakensis). Food Chemistry, 2022, 372, 131247.

2. Han Zhang, Zhenjie Cao, Qianying Diao, Yongcan Zhou, Jingqun Ao, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者), Yun Sun. Antimicrobial activity and mechanisms of a derived antimicrobial peptide TroNKL-27 from golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) NK-lysin. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2022, 126, 357–369.

3. Jiancong Zhou, Chuang Liu, Yumei Yang, Yi Yang, Zhifeng Gu, Aimin Wang, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者). Effects of long-term exposure to ammonia on growth performance, immune response, and body biochemical composition of juvenile ivory shell, Babylonia areolate. Aquaculture, 2022,DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738857

4. Fengping Li, Jiawen Zheng, Qingxia Ma, Zhifeng Gu, Aimin Wang, Yi Yang, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者). Phylogeny of Strombidae (Gastropoda) based on mitochondrial genomes. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, 930910.

5. Bingcong Ye, Zhifeng Gu, Xingzhi Zhang, Yi Yang, Aimin Wang, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者). Comparative effects of microalgal species on growth, feeding, and metabolism of pearl oysters, Pinctada fucata martensii and Pinctada maxima. Frontiers in Marine Science 2022, 9, 895386.

6. Chunsheng Liu, Meng Li, Yuanyuan Wang, Yi Yang, Aimin Wang, Zhifeng Gu. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure and storage temperature on fatty acids and non-volatile taste active compounds in red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). Molecules, 2022, 27(16), 5098. 

7. Chunsheng Liu, Weizhi Ji, Hongzhen Jiang, Yaohua Shi, Li He, Zhifeng Gu, Shuntao Zhu. Comparison of biochemical composition and non-volatile taste active compounds in raw, high hydrostatic pressure-treated and steamed oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis. Food Chemistry, 2021, 344, 128632.

8. Chunsheng Liu, Xiaoyu Yang, Yun Sun, Yumei Yang, Aimin Wang, Linwen He, Zhifeng Gu. Effects of the daily light/dark cycle on photosynthetic performance, oxidative stress and illumination-related genes in boring giant clam Tridacna crocea. Marine Biology, 2021, 168, 71. 

9. Qiqi Chao, Zhifeng Gu, Aimin Wang, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者), Yi Yang. Diversity of three small type giant clams and their associated endosymbiotic Symbiodiniaceae at Hainan and Xisha Islands, South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, 8, 774925. 

10. Xingzhi Zhang, Bingcong Ye, Zhifeng Gu, Meng Li, Shouguo Yang, Aimin Wang, Chunsheng Liu(通讯作). Comparison in growth, feeding and metabolism between fast-growing selective strain and cultured population of pearl oyster (Pinctada fucata martensii). Frontiers in Marne Science, 2021, 8:770702. 

11. Changlin Li, Ertian Liu, Tingyou Li, Aimin Wang, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者), Zhifeng Gu.  Suitability of three seaweeds as feed in culturing strawberry conch Strombus luhuanus. Aquaculture, 2020, 519, 734761. 

12. Zhifeng Gu, Haijun Wei, Fen Cheng, Aimin Wang, Chunsheng Liu (通讯作者). Effects of air exposure time and temperature on physiological energetics and oxidative stress of winged pearl oyster (Pteria penguin). Aquaculture reports, 2020, 17, 100384.

13. Chunsheng Liu, Xiubao Li, Chuanliang Wu, Aimin Wang, Zhifeng Gu. Effects of three light intensities on the survival, growth performance and biochemical composition of two size giant clams Tridacna crocea in he Southern China Sea. Aquaculture, 2020, 528, 735548.

14. 刘春胜, 吴川良, 李秀保, 刘闯, 王爱民, 顾志峰, 吕布. 三亚近海诺亚砗磲分布特征及底质对其外套膜颜色的影响. 水生生物学报, 2021, 45(3), 645-651.

15. 李萌, 李秀保, 顾志峰, 夏景全, 王爱民, 刘春胜 (通讯作者). 海南岛近海砗磲(Tridacninae)资源时空变化: 以蜈支洲岛为例. 海洋与湖沼, 2021, 52(6), 1521-1529.


1. 刘春胜, 蔡利, 顾志峰, 王爱民, 吴川良. 一种砗磲移植附着装置及其使用方法. 授权号: ZL201910941177.4.

2. 刘春胜, 顾志峰, 吴川良, 石耀华, 郑兴, 何园园, 耿涛年. 一种砗磲、珊瑚陆基养殖系统及其混合养殖方法. 授权号: ZL201810839007.0.

3. 刘春胜, 陈四清, 庄志猛, 刘长琳, 李宗飞. 一种海月水母无性快繁的方法. 授权号: ZL 201110349781.1.

4. 刘春胜, 陈四清, 庄志猛, 刘长琳, 燕敬平. 白色霞水母规模化繁育方法. 授权号: ZL 201210418980.8.

5. 刘春胜, 顾志峰, 石耀华, 王爱民, 高桦楠, 郑兴. 一种砗磲外套膜图片采集装置及其使用方法. 申请专利号:201710346058.5.

6. 刘春胜, 顾志峰, 李长林, 石耀华, 王爱民. 一种红娇凤凰螺工厂化养殖方法. 申请专利号:201910359707.4.

7. 刘春胜, 王弢, 羊玉梅, 王爱民, 吴科伟, 田坤, 顾志峰, 高煜杰. 种方斑东风螺的饲料组合物、片状饲料及制备方法. 申请专利号:202111594752.1.


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